

Sorting through samples for a meeting later in the week I came across a project that I love, but has never made it out into the big bad world. I love it despite the fact my creative involvement was almost non existent- I was merely the facilitator between two amazing creatives, one of whom Ive never even actually met, but always been a huge admirer of, and the other that I had the privilege to work with, albeit relatively briefly.

Julie Verhoeven felt patches produced by Weavabel

Julie Verhoeven was one of the first illustrators I really remember wishing I could imitate- her fashion illustrations which I discovered whist still studying over 15 years ago were so incredible, they really helped me decided which way I wanted to try and take my own career. And although, how ever much I tried I could never twist my hand to look more like hers, in trying to do so I think it helped me discover what I was good at.

Marble repeat print on silk

The other incredible creative that this project involved was the enigma which was Richard Nicoll, without doubt one of the nicest people Ive ever known. Richard had been bought on as Creative Director at Jack Wills during the time I was in-house with the brand, and instantly bought a plethora of new inspiration with him. Being friends with Julie he asked her to produce a collection of works the brand could use. It was then down to me to try and pull them together to make a mini collection. As I said my involvement was minor- I took one of the incredibly A1 collages Julie had done and put it into repeat so it could be used on a limited edition dress, and then I extracted some of the elements and artwork them to be turn into felt patches. Which Weavabel did a fantastic job of.

Sadly the project was deemed to much at the time for the brand, and so has languished in my studio cupboards since then, but sorting through old samples today, and being reminded of Richard I thought now was the right time to share.

Chris Long